
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Toughest Decision of my life

        Life is tough. You are always forced to make decisions that you don't want to make. For me it was choosing between two of the best drinks: the world-renowned Coca-Cola and the underrated Sunny D.

        Many of you are thinking that this a clear cut decision: Coke in a heartbeat of course! And many times I would agree with you! But you have to remember the situation at the time!!

        It was a Saturday Night party with so many females! Everywhere I turned there was a lady! Had I been alone with all the females at the party I would not have been concerned. I would have just poured that 2 liter bottle of coke into that red solo cup and kept it classy. But there were also two boysI at the party: and these boys certainly gave me a run for my money.

        I had to assert myself as the alpha male. Here was the problem. One of them was a track champ and one could kick a soccer ball the way a soccer ball has never been kicked before. They were both also really smart so I knew I had to step my game up. This is why I had no other choice but to choose Sunny D.

        Sunny D, although may be considered a kids drink, was one of the drinks available at said party so I seized the opportunity to assert myself to the ladies.  

       I needed to get a different perspective if I wanted to show the ladies who is the boss. Sunny D definetly has more sugar than coke. This would give me a different perspective that I probably wouldn't get from.coke. 

        It also had a lot to do with the flavor! You honestly can't go wrong with sunny d! See Sunny D gives you a clear cut orange flavor whereas coke gives you a very confusing flavor! The girls want someone who is clear cut, and definitely not confusing! 
        Lastly and more importantly, there was a whole gallon of Sunny D about half empty and the coke was almost finished! Now what kind of guy would I be if I just emptied the coke and didnt leave any for someone who wanted it!  There was so much Sunny D that I thought I would just play it safe! I didn't want the ladies to think that as the alpha male I was inconsiderate of others in theo

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