
Monday, October 7, 2013


                 This really annoys me! Los Angeles Schools thought that it would be a good idea to give all of their students Ipads so that they would not have to carry heavy books around. Although the administrators at these schools have good intent, there are some problems that just cannot be avoided. The schools tried their absolute hardest to keep their students from going to wrong sites. But you have to remember: their giving them the Ipad. Our generations is the most technologically advanced. You don't think we can change settings so we can go on to these sites? You can block these sites like, facebook, youtube, and other sites on school computers, but if you give us an ipad, it is almost too easy to get on to these sites.


  1. Why should those sites be blocked? Isn't the goal of education partly to teach students to make good decisions given various situations? Why should Youtube be blocked, especially if it contains so much useful information?

  2. Thats is a certainly a valid point Mr. Sheehan. However, the problem with allowing kids access to youtube is that although indeed contains a lot of useful information, kids can also take advantage of the site to watch other stuff for their own entertainment which has nothing to do with the class. I am sure the students who are focused in school and really have academic goals would definitely abide by these terms but there would always be a couple of kids who would go on to watch something else on youtube or go on to another site they should not be going and as a result making this valuable resource no longer available to kids.
